Enjoy the landscape of the nature reserve
The picturesque peat lake between Tramelan and Saignelégier is an unparalleled scenic jewel. The natural moor pond was once lightly dammed up for the operation of a mill and later a sawmill. It is worth walking around the lake, which has many arms, on the partly well developed footpath. There is always a magical atmosphere around the Étang de la Gruère high moor. But the clear highlight of the visit is the short (or also extensive) bath in the dark lake!
Embedded in a hollow, the depression is lined with layers of clay and marl. Fine particles have sealed the soil and the moor began to form 15'000 years ago. One looks in vain for a proper outlet from the lake. The special circumstances created a valuable habitat for a unique flora and fauna. Information panels provide informative details about the numerous peat mosses, blueberry bushes and rosemary heaths that line the one-hour circular trail around the moor lake.
The path around the large pond is also adventurous: there are small bridges to cross and wooden footbridges that lead across the marshy moorland. The springy moorland soil gives you an exhilarating feeling, so that even children tired of walking can enjoy exploring the surroundings again.
If the three-kilometre route is too short for you, hike along the lake and then via La Theurre and the nature centre Les Cerlatez to Saignelégier. A feeling of independence and freedom can be felt up here - Franches-Montagnes. On this trail, the "Franches Montagnes" present themselves from their most beautiful side - with gentle hills on which horses and cows graze, followed by small forests that provide shade on hot summer days. It takes about two hours to reach Saignelégier.

Bus connection between Tramelan and Saignelégier, Saignelégier stop, Moulin de Gruère. Individual parking spaces also at the former sawmill and west of the lake.
Another tip:
La Maison de la Tête de Moine in Bellelay - The typical cheese of the Franches-Montagnes is not cut but scraped into fine rosettes.