The Museum of Nutrition
The Nutrition Exhibition, founded by Nestlé, is the first museum in the world dedicated exclusively to food and drink. The interactive exhibitions invite visitors to reflect on past and present eating habits.
The Alimentarium, with its exciting stories, is an extremely lively museum, where young and old have the opportunity to see an activity as rich in history and emotion as food through different eyes. Discovery, experimentation and in-depth knowledge await visitors as they embark on a playful and interactive journey through the exhibition areas, where food, production methods, cultures and customs from all over the world are on display. Of course, due attention will also be paid to nutrition itself and to the functions of the human body.
It is precisely because nutrition is all about experimentation that the museum organises several culinary workshops every day. Visitors can prepare and taste local and foreign dishes. Whether layman, professional chef, child or grandmother: there is something for every taste!
Not only museum visitors remember the landmark of the Alimentarium, the eight-metre-high fork that is registered in the Guinness Book of Records and towers out of Lake Geneva opposite the museum.

SBB to Vevey, trolleybus direction Villeneuve to Hôtel de Ville or on foot across the old town to the lake and then left. Individual parking spaces in the city centre.
Another tip:
Chaplin's World, museum above Vevey and Corsier sur Vevey.