In the Kümmerly+Frey road map France South in scale 1:600'000 you will find everything you need for orientation and inspiration.
From Grenoble, Nice, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Limoges, Perpignan, etc, the map...
In the Kümmerly+Frey Road Map France (North) at a scale of 1:600,000, you will find everything you need for orientation and inspiration.
The map shows the main areas of interest from Basel, Strasbourg, Metz, Dijon,...
In the Kümmerly+Frey Road Map France (North) at a scale of 1:600,000, you will find everything you need for orientation and inspiration.
The map shows the main areas of interest from Basel, Strasbourg, Metz, Dijon,...
In the Hallwag Road Map Southern France at a scale of 1:600,000, you will find everything you need for orientation and inspiration.
The map covers the key areas of interest from Lyon to Bordeaux.
Thanks to clearly...
In the Kümmerly+Frey road map of France at a scale of 1:1 Mio., you will find everything you need for orientation and inspiration.
The map shows from Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Nice, Strasbourg, Bordeaux,...
On the Kümmerly+Frey road map of France at a scale of 1:600,000, you will find everything you need for orientation and inspiration.
The map covers major cities such as Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Nice,...
In the Hallwag road map of France at a scale of 1:1 million you will find everything you need for orientation and inspiration.
The map shows the most important areas of interest from Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse,...
In the Kümmerly+Frey road map France, Alsace - Vosges at a scale of 1:200,000 you will find everything you need for orientation and inspiration.
The map shows from Strasbourg, Karlsruhe, Haguenau, Offenburg,...
Hiking, Biking and Ski touring Maps
Scale 1:35 000 / 1:50 000, water- and rip-proof
Important Notice: We regret to inform you that the app advertised with this product is no longer supported...
Hiking, Biking and Ski touring Maps
Scale 1:35 000 / 1:50 000, water- and rip-proof
Important Notice: We regret to inform you that the app advertised with this product is no longer supported...
City Maps 3 in 1: Map, Travel information and Highlights
The double-sided city maps include all essential information:
detailed and clear representation of town centre
appealing 3D-display of selected typical...
Outdoor map
Map at a scale of 1:35 000 with the themes of hiking and cycling, water resistant and rip-proof.
Free activation of the purchased map with the HKF Outdoor App.
In the Kümmerly+Frey road map of Brittany, scale 1:200,000, you will find everything you need for orientation and inspiration.
The map shows the main areas of interest from Brest, Morlaix, Saint-Brieuc, Sainht-Malo,...
The Kümmerly+Frey road map Provence, Côte d’Azur at a scale of 1:200,000 provides everything you need for orientation and inspiration.
Thanks to clearly marked, easy-to-read, and up-to-date roads, a clean and modern...
In the Kümmerly+Frey road map of Corsica, scale 1:150,000, you will find everything you need for orientation and inspiration.
The map shows the most important areas of interest from Ajaccio, Calvi, Bastia, Alta Rocca,...
Hiking guide with a tour map to take along. 55 hikes with elevation profiles and map excerpts. Hiking information, accommodation, and dining. Free GPX data available for download.
Wanderführer mit Tourenkarte zum Mitnehmen. 80 Touren mit Höhenprofil und Kartenausschnitt. Wander-Infos, Unterkunft und Verpflegung. GPX-Daten kostenlos zum Download.
Peter Mertz, 296 Seiten
Der berühmte beeindruckt mit kulturellen Schätzen, malerischen Dörfern und atemberaubenden Ausblicken. Die Route führt von den über bis zum Kap . Wanderer erleben die Geschichte und Spiritualität dieses legendären...
For everyone who travels around Europe frequently and needs or wants to plan his/her route in advance we recommend the Kümmerly+Frey road map series. These maps provide a quick overview of the travel route, indicate...
Dreisprachig, europafreundlich und genussfreudig sind die Straßburger, und in ihrer französischen Großstadt mit elsässischer Fachwerkidylle und deutschen Portionen auf dem Teller erfinden sie sich immer mal wieder neu....
Das weltbekannte Musée du Louvre in Paris besuchen, Weine von Weltruhm in Bordeaux verkosten oder an der Cote d'Azur den Sonnenuntergang genießen – Frankreich ist einfach liebenswert. Mit , den berühmten und können Sie...
On the Political World Map 1:30 million poster, the world is depicted with its countries highlighted in distinct colors.
The poster displays countries from Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, America, Japan,...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps
The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next...
In the Europe Physical Poster 1:4.5Mio., Europe is depicted with its countries and terrain features.
The map shows all European countries, including Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, etc.
Thanks to the elegantly...
The TCS Camping Guide Switzerland and Europe 2025 is the perfect travel companion and a helpful tool for planning smooth camping holidays at home and abroad.
The main benefits of the TCS Camping Guide 2025 at a...
In the folding map "The World" political map at a scale of 1:50 million, the world is depicted with its countries highlighted in distinct colors.
The poster shows from Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, India,...
On the Hallwag Road Map of Alpine Countries at a scale of 1:750,000, you will find everything you need for orientation and inspiration.
The map covers key areas from France (Nice, Dijon, Mulhouse, etc.), Germany...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps.
The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next...
The ideal campsite for your vacation
7,950 campsites in 29 countries
All campsites inspected annually
Reliable and up-to-date information
Includes the CampingCard ACSI discount card for the low season
Slip into an artist's studio set in a château, discover chapels built into a thousand-year-old tree, pour Calvados into a tomb in the village of Camembert, meditate on a site where the Virgin Mary has appeared twenty...
Jede Reise beginnt mit einer Inspiration - Wie kein anderes Magazin lädt der DuMont Bildatlas mit seinen großformatigen Bildern ein, bereits vor der Reise ein bisschen zu träumen. Berührend, aufregend und spannend sind...
Schon seit dem frühen Mittelalter pilgern Menschen auf dem Jakobsweg nach Santiago de Compostela. Ein Trend, der nicht abreißt, denn heute ist Pilgern so beliebt wie nie zuvor. Die Beweggründe sind so vielfältig wie die...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps.
The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps. The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next tourist...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps
The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps. The Hallwag Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps. The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next tourist...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps. The Hallwag Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps. The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next tourist...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps. The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next tourist...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps. The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next tourist...
In the foldable map The World Political 1:50Mio., the world is represented with its color-highlighted countries. The map includes all countries, from Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, India, China, Brazil, Australia,...
Simply the Best im Großstadt-Dschungel: Spaß haben, Feiern, Highlights gucken, Shoppen, kurz die Stadt checken, sich treiben lassen: mit den MARCO POLO Citymaps verpasst du nichts, bist da, bevor du ankommst, kennst dich...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps
The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional map
The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps
The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps
The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next...
Optimum orientation - what you need are our regional maps. The Kümmerly+Frey regional maps will make you feel at home even when you're on holiday. Your will always know where you are and how far it is to the next tourist...
Baguettes, Paris und die Tour de France sind alles, was dir zu Frankreich einfällt? Das lässt sich ändern – am besten bei einem ausgedehnten Urlaub! In kaum einem anderen europäischen Land kannst du so viel Natur und...
Radeln mit Blick aufs Meer, gemütliche Langstreckentouren, schweißtreibende Mountainbike-Abenteuer oder den Helden der Tour de France auf der Spur: Dieses Buch erkundet Europa, die Heimat des Radsports, auf dem Sattel....
Die Region Umbrien, im Herzen Italiens, hat sich über Jahrhunderte ihre ganz eigene Kultur bewahrt. Viele Städte sehen so aus, als wäre hier seit dem Mittelalter kein Stein mehr bewegt worden. Doch wo sollte eine...
You need a real break, but you don't know where to go? You’re dreaming of combining a cultural change of scenery with a wellness holiday? You’re looking for a holistic centre that's off the beaten track (or doesn't cost...
Verborgenes Venedig Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse des Markusdoms weitab von den Touristenpfaden, entschlüsseln Sie die Botschaften der Kapitelle des Dogenpalastes, begeben Sie sich auf die Suche nach der alchemistischen...
Aus der Ruhe bringen lassen sich die Elsässer nicht so schnell, zu oft schon sahen sie Deutsche und Franzosen kommen und gehen. Europafreundlich und dreisprachig, setzen sie auf gute Nachbarschaft im Dreiländereck und...
Venedig aus der Luft, eine außergewöhnliche Fotoreportage von Riccardo Roiter Rigoni, entstand im Lauf von fünf Jahren und regelmäßigen Helikopterflügen über die Lagunenstadt. Gemeinsam mit Debora Gusson fing der...
Der MARCO POLO Kreuzfahrtführer Karibik überzeugt mit kompakten Informationen, Insider-Tipps und seiner handlichen Größe. Entdecken Sie mit MARCO POLO Kreuzfahrt die Karibik und Teile Mittelamerikas. Paradiesische...