In the Kümmerly+Frey hiking tour map of Maggia, Verzasca at a scale of 1:50,000, you will find the most beautiful hiking routes in the region compiled for you.
Thanks to the clearly marked, easily readable, and up-to-date hiking paths, the tidy map layout, and the clear terrain representation, this map is the perfect tool to make the most of your visit to this extraordinary region. With the marked hiking route suggestions on the map, you can easily find an adventure in your area.
The map contains detailed topographic information such as contour lines and elevation information for mountain peaks, passes, and larger lakes, providing an accurate representation of the terrain. In collaboration with Outdooractive, we have included all essential information about the proposed beautiful tours: important details about elevation profiles, estimated hiking times, restaurants, post bus stops, and much more!
The foldable map for hikers is made of robust, largely water-resistant, and tear-resistant paper. Even in difficult weather conditions, it will not let you down.
If the GPS happens to fail or your phone runs out of battery, the clearly marked hiking paths, viewpoints, train stations, dining options, campgrounds, parking lots, etc., on the map will always help you stay oriented.
Important : Nous avons le regret de vous informer que l'application promue dans ce produit n'est plus supportée et n'est plus disponible. En raison de développements techniques et afin de garantir les normes de sécurité les plus élevées, nous avons désactivé l'ancienne application. Notre nouvelle application « HKF Outdoor » n'est malheureusement pas compatible avec ce produit. Toutefois, la carte imprimée avec ses itinéraires reste valide. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension !

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